The minimum system requirements of the new Saints Row for PC

Почему DEEP Silver published part of the system requirements of the new Saints Row for PC. At the moment, in the Epic Games Store you can find only the minimum requirements for the system, and the recommended promise to report later. After what was shown in the trailers of the game, it seemed that the requirements should be even lower, but the player would require a system with NVIDIA GTX 970 or AMD RX 480, as well as 8 GB of RAM and the AMD Ryzen 3 1200 or Intel Core i3-processor 3240. On the hard drive you will need to free 50 GB.

The global release of the new Saints Row on personal computers, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S and Xbox One will take place on August 23 of the current year. Moreover, the game was announced in August last year.
