Wow: 5 bad guys who return in Dragon Flight (possibly)

With WoW: Dragon Flight for World of Warcraft a new era . The Tyr light fire brings the dragon islands out of their sleeping beauty and the dragon aspects return to their ancient homeland. So we can look forward to many new stories! Blizzard would even like to do without an upper evil weight in the future and prefer to return to the classic wow and mop's storytelling roots. In WoW: Dragon Flight there should be no top floors - so far, so good. In an interview with Judehype , however, Ion Hazzikostas put this statement into perspective and said that a big bad guy will appear at the end of Dragon Flight:

Thhere wants to Inevitly be a big bad in the expansion. However, just as we experience with Mists of Pandaria, we will have to wait to find out who it is. We'll start by learning more about the threats to dragonflight, just like we did with the Sha and Mogu on Mop. Eventual, we will find out who the threat of dragonflight is. It will be necessary to explore, understand the world and wait before knowing who is the main threat of the expansion. You have to Understand how the story unfolds so not to imagine that a character commes out of nowhere.

So there will definitely be a big evil in Dragon Flight. However, this villain is not presented to us right at the beginning. We will first have to find out who or what threatens the dragon islands. The WoW community is currently typing that a completely new figure will appear as an antagonist in Dragon Flight. Maybe we'll get to know this upper mot on the dragon islands. But there are also several villains that have already been established in the WoW Lore, the history of which is connected to the dragon aspects. We have selected some well-known candidates for you who could return in the next WoW extension.

GalaKrond, the forefather of the dragon

8 NEW Race/Class Combos CONFIRMED for Dragonflight!

The monstrous protodrache gala crowd was the first major threat to faced the dragon aspects years ago. He is still considered the forefather of all dragons. Gala crow was so great that one day he could no longer breastfeed his hunger. In search of food, the protodrache didn't even stop at your own brood. He devoured countless dragons and even took care of the decayed carcasses of his own children. The proto dragon Alexstrasza, Ysera, Neltharion, Malygos and Nozdormu combined their strength and finally ended up gala crowds tyranny. The gala crow was the first big threat to the dragon swarms. Source: Blizzard Galakrond is dead and his skeleton is still in the dragon furniture. As an ancestor of all dragons, he shaped the history of the dragon aspects like no other. It would be a shame if Blizzard Galakrond doesn't get into play. We could meet him during a journey through time or meet his descendants on the dragon islands. Steve Danuser confirmed in a talk that more than just five dragon swarms survived the gala crowd killing spree. Perhaps a protodrache even inherited the growth and malice of the GalaKrond.

Page 1 No villain in sight?

Page 2 on the dragon islands lurk old enemies

Page 3 of the long shadow of Neltharion

Page 4 The Madness of Nozdormu

Page 5bildergalerie for WoW: 5 villains that return in Dragon flight (possibly)

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