Great balance: The German medals in Beijing to sports

The Bob, Toggle and Skeleton department has led the German team in Beijing to her third-best result in the history of Olympic Winter Games. In Yangqing Sliding Center, Francesco Friedrich, Natalie Geisenberger and Co. won nin times gold, six times silver and once bronze and thus about 60 percent of all German medals.

The "Team D" came in the 109 Beijing decisions on twelve gold, ten silver and five bronze, proving second place behind Norway, which made with 16 gold, 8 silver and 13 bronze for an Olympic record.

Germany had cut at the previously 23 winter games only twice better: 2002 in Salt Lake City (12-16-8) and 2018 in Pyeongchang (14-10-7), respectively as second behind Norway.

1. Tobogganing (4 gold, 2 silver)

Four races, four wins - twice silver: Much more did not go for the German Rodler. Johannes Ludwig, Natalie Geisenberger and the double seater Tobias Wendl / Tobias Arlt delivered with their gold medals to the point. Such a dominance was not expected in view of the World Cup Results.

2. Bob (3 gold, 3 silver, 1 bronze)

Not immaculate like the tobogganists and nevertheless almost never. Thanks to superior material, the German Bobs celebrated historical successes: Triple victory in two men, double victory in women, and Francesco Friedrich repeated the first pilot the Olympic Double. Only in the Monobob Team D went empty - in the discipline So, in which the slides were not developed themselves.

3. Skeleton (2 gold, 1 silver)

The first Olympic medal at all at the men shone by world champion Christopher Grotheer in gold. Behind it, the previously extracted Axel Jungk with silver with silver for a double success provided. In women, the only 21-year-old debutant in Hannah Neite raced the first Olympic victory in women.

4. Ski run (1 gold, 1 silver)

Sensation gold in the teamprint, silver in the season: The cross-country skiers wrote a true winter fairy tale, could also keep up in singles (Katharina Hennig!). The German men did not disappoint, but fell clearly in comparison.

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4. Nordic combination (1 gold, 1 silver)

After the positive corona tests of Eric Frenzel and Terence Weber, there were difficult games for the success of the success. With gold for Vinzenz violinist and silver for the season, the combiners expressed magnificently in view of the circumstances - although it was possible anymore.

6. Biathlon (1 gold, 1 bronze)

Denise Herrmann's Gold in singles was the climax of total winter games for the ski hunters. The second medal brought the women's season with bronze. The men were close to it several times, but remained without noble metal for the second time in history. The targeted target of four to five medals was missed, in Pyeongchang there were still seven plaques.

7. Ski jumping (1 silver, 2 bronze)

Three medals - silver for Katharina Althaus and bronze for Karl Geiger and the men's team - are a solid to good balance. Staying but also the evil bankruptcy in the individual of the normal hill and the disqualification farce in Mixed. This team can be more.

8th. Ski Alpin (1 silver)

For a long time it looked like the Germans would stay for winter games without a medal for the second time. Lena Dürr in Slalom and Kira Weidle in the descent streamed as fourth just just on the podium, the speed gentlemen and Alexander Schmid in giant slalom, on the other hand, disappointed. With silver in the mixed-teamvent, the DSV riege haunted one at the end of the end but still out - and polished their overall quite disappointing balance.

9. Ski Freestyle (1 bronze)

Daniela Maier made in the dramatic Skicross final for the first medal since 1998 and the second at all in the division. With that she exbraded the otherwise slim cut out: In many competitions no Germans were in the start list.


Snowboard Germany experiences a debacle. Five place for Ramona Hofmeister and the out of the qualification for Stefan Baumeister in the Parallel Giant Slalom, nine for PotAvorit Martin Nörl in the cross-race - the ambitious association made the goal of three Olympic medals clearly missed. After all, Annika Morgan reached the final of the best twelve in Slopestyle and Big Air.

Figure skating

The figure skates ran the world top behind. After the Olympic Triumph the couple runner Aljona Savchenko / Bruno Massot 2018 reached the Duo Minerva Hare / Nolan Seegert with rank 16 only the last place. Nicole Schott was 17. In the ice dance, Katharina Müller / Tim Dieck missed the fringe. Paul Fentz was in the short-rate of team competition 21. and last.


Claudia Pechstein still opened the balance in the last Beijing race. With place nine in the mass start race, the Berliner has conquered the second top ten place in Beijing shortly before her 50th birthday. Previously, only Patrick Beckert had fulfilled as seventh over 10,000 meters the expectations. Joel Duffer was Coronabaded except form.


From the only German starter Anna Seidel, no wonderlands could be expected after they were still struggling with the consequences of a rail and calf rupture from March 2021. But it was even less. With its only Beijing start, the Dresdnerin catapulted through a tactical fauxpas already in the first round of competition.

Ice Hockey

Four years after the silver coup of Pyeongchang it should go back to a medal. But by the 1: 5 prelude to Canada, which had to renounce NHL professionals like all teams, the DEB team did not recover. Even before the quarterfinals was 0: 4 against Slovakia on the small ice surface. The future of national coach Toni Söderholm remains unclear.


No German team at the start

The medal mirror of the Olympic Winter Games in Beijing
